Derek Minus is the former Commonwealth government Mediation Adviser and was responsible for managing all disputes under the Horticulture industry Code of Conduct.
He knows how the Horticulture Code works.
As a barrister, accredited Mediator since 1992 and chartered Arbitrator he works with farmers and farmer groups across various industries.
He has the skills and experience to personally assist you with your dispute.
You must have a Horticulture Produce Agreement (HPA). The HPA is mandatory under the Code and there are fines if you don't have one.
But you want an HPA that works for your business. We can repair a badly drafted HPA or prepare a new one which satisfies the ACCC requirements.
Already in a dispute?
We can design and deliver an advanced and integrated Conciliation & Adjudication Service.
The benefits to all parties to the dispute are are a fast, flexible, fair and final expert resolution.
Start with our FREE Notice Service.
You must initiate the dispute resolution processes under the Code of Conduct by sending a Notice of Dispute.
We can appoint a qualified and accredited mediator to the dispute to conduct the Mediation process under the Code.
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Just scan the QR code opposite and add your email. Enjoy private news and protected conversations with other industry members.